The Barry Law Firm

Lawrence Shanahan was slowly backing up in the new 2020 Ford Edge FWD SEL he had leased from Fiesta Ford in Riverside County when the backup camera at the vehicle’s rear failed. The screen went blank. Shanahan backed into a metal bar protruding from a truck behind him, which would…

California’s Lemon Law provides valuable protection if you have purchased or leased a motor vehicle with significant warranty-covered problems that have not been resolved after a reasonable number of professional repair attempts. The law requires the vehicle manufacturer to replace a faulty vehicle or repay the purchase price and associated…

Is your car a lemon? If you have tried repeatedly without success to have a repair made that the manufacturer’s warranty covers, your car may be a lemon, as California’s Lemon Law defines it. You may have a Lemon Law case. Under California law, an auto manufacturer may be required…