the barry law firm

Required Documents to File A Lemon Law Case

– Purchase or lease agreement

This document establishes your legal ownership or lease of the vehicle and provides important details such as the date of purchase or lease, the vehicle identification number (VIN), the purchase price, and the names of the parties involved.

– Warranty

The vehicle's warranty outlines the manufacturer's promises regarding the repair or replacement of defective parts within a specified timeframe or mileage limit. This document is crucial for demonstrating that the vehicle's nonconformity falls within the warranty coverage.

– Repair orders

Repair orders document the history of repair attempts made to address the recurring nonconformity. These records should include the date of each repair, the description of the problem, and the parts replaced or repaired.

– Registration

The vehicle registration serves as proof of your ownership and registration status in California, which is essential for establishing jurisdiction under the state's lemon law.

– Correspondence with manufacturers or dealers

Any communication between you and the manufacturer or dealer regarding the vehicle's nonconformity should be preserved. This includes emails, letters, phone records, and any documentation of attempts to resolve the issue with the manufacturer.

– Any other documentation or records related to the problem.

Gather any additional documentation that supports your claim, such as photos or videos of the vehicle's nonconformity, maintenance records, or statements from witnesses.